Thursday, September 12, 2013

We Come From the One (The Process, Church of the Final Judgment) [part 2]

According to official Process doctrine, spirits - the "gods" - recommended that the Mayfair Mindbenders escape England and go elsewhere.  More likely, it was the negative publicity and legal woes that prompted this exodus, but the result was the same - in mid-1966, the de Grimstons, about 35 followers, and a pack of German Shepherds left England.  The group believed that they were leaving England for good.

By this point, the conflicts with parents, legal "authorities," and the general collapse of the Western World led the group to believe that the end was near - and getting nearer by the day, and it led to an us vs. them mentality.

The Processeans first left for Nassau, then the Bahamas.  Then the spirits led them to Mexico, and finally to Xtul, where they formed a community.  Miles from civilisation - miles even from a populated town - the group continued their spiritual work, and got down to the work of survival in the jungle.  Considering that all of the members were from England at this point, the fact that they even survived in this wilderness is amazing unto itself, and the group took that was validation that the gods were with them.

That sense of validation would receive a tremendous boost in late September of 1966, when Xtul was battered by hurricane Inez.

Timothy Wylie gives a vivid description of Inez in his book LOVE SEX FEAR DEATH.  The hurricane battered the home of the movement and destroyed much of their work.  For three days and nights, the Process was under siege.  When the hurricane left, and the rubble was cleared, all members had survived.  This was a storm that claimed quite a number of lives (1000, accoring to  Clearly, the gods were with them.

During this period of time, a piece of work known as the Xtul Dialogues was composed - or, perhaps, channeled by Robert from the gods.  It was in fact written in November of '66, after Inez, and consists of seven dialogues and a epilogue called "Diversion."

In the first Dialogue, the new purpose of the group is established - love.  To establish love, one must combat the enemy of love, that is, ignorance.  The psychiatric underpinnings of the group are still present here.  The unconscious is ignorance.  Consciousness is love.  The unconscious is rejection, whereas the conscious is acceptance and truth.  God is identified with the conscious mind.

14 But is that possible when there is unconscious conflict?

By the conscious separation of the two. Just as beings have one choice only withregard to GOD, to include or to exclude ,so they have one choice only with regard to the unconscious, to identify or to detach,to be submerged or to separate.
With GOD the valid choice is to include. With unconsciousness the valid choice is theinversion, to exclude. to detach.

15 Why is this?

Because whereas GOD is truth and acceptance, unconscousness is lies and rejection.It is motivated by conflict andresponsibility, both of which are rejections of the truth.

16 How has this come about?

Through the exclusion of GOD. All doing, thinking and feeling which are motivated byunconscious pressure areproduced in order to fill the gap left by the exclusion of GOD.

17 What is valid then?

Being. The only choice which is not motivated by unconscious conflict, is the choice ofinclusion or exclusion of the unconscious. If the unconscious is deliberately and consciously excluded, then all doing,thinking and feeling become valid. Exclude the unconscious and replace it with GOD.
It is here that the Process first  established its identification with God - and first established its first deity, Jehovah.

Jehovah is an English rendition of the holy name of God which in Hebrew is spelled out by the Hebrew letters YOD HEH VAU HEH, or, YHVH (or YHWH).  The Hebrews, like many ancient peoples, considered the name of their god to be too powerful to be spoken.  If one knew the true name of a god, one could gain power over the god, thus the injunction against using the name of the "LORD" in vain.

The origins and etymology of Jehovah are too involved to get into here, and there is much debate over whether or not Jehovah is even an acceptable way of pronouncing the holy name (Yahweh is a far more popular term in scholarly circles).  Still, it was clear that the Process doctrines identified God with Jehovah, the God of the Hebrews, Jews, and Christians.

In the first Dialogue, the believer in the Process is told to simply be.  Stop struggling, stop trying to figure things out, and just be.  Determining things on one's own excludes God.  This is, of course, beneficial to any sort of religion or cult that aims to establish control over the mind of the believer and is a standard doctrine taught in a number of 'mainstream' Christian and Islamic churches and mosques to this day.  The Jews, of course, tend to be far more interested in arguing and fighting over minute points of Talmudic lore for this to ever work on them!

Communication with the spirits and gods is recommended, but of course, such a practice will eventually to divisions.

The second Dialogue sets out the cosmology of the Process.  There are multiple universes, with multiple gods, but those gods are all parts of the True God.  Each god is also a universe unto itself.  Jehovah is "the knowledge of the physical universe."

Humans posesses five physical senses, but there are up to thirteen in the physical universe.  Humans can only truly grok a small element of the physical universe.  Telepathy is a pre-requisite to all consciousnesses, not a "sixth sense."  Sorry, M. Night Shamalyan!

The second Dialogue continues to differentiate how physical consciousnesses can and cannot be part of god.

In the third Dialogue, a new term comes into play - xtummer (pronounced "shoo-mer").  According to the notes:

(7) To xtumm (pronounced 'shtoom'; oo as in 'good') is to kill either physically, spiritually ormentally, depending on the context.The extent of the 'death' can vary. For example: to xtumm someone can mean simply meanto silence him, to knock him senseless or to destroy him completely. Also atmospheres can be xtummed, contactbetweened people can be xtummed,etc. In the present context a 'xtummer' refers to one who kills contacts and atmospheres on aspiritual level, with heavy deadening projections and attitudes.
In other words, this Dialogue is about how to deal with someone who is an outsider, or a nonbeliever.  The way to deal with this person is simply to ignore him or her.  People are at different levels of spiritual awareness and ability, and it is foolish to let yourself be inconvenienced in any way by someone who cannot, or will not, contribute spiritually.

The fourth dialogue continues in similar wise, about how one should be focused on the physical and let the spiritual take care of itself.  Working on the spiritual on your own is futile.  The spiritual is the domain of God.  Let God deal with it.  One's responsibility is to the physical only, and even on that level, the responsibility is minimal.

7 What do we do about demands we instinctively make on ourselves and those around us, that give us agony and frustration?

At the stage the group has reached, these can only be spiritual demands, presumptuous demands, demands that haveno relevance to your environment whatever. Physical demands can be made and met without pain or frustration.The most prominent physical demand is security. This is best met with discipline in the formof set formulas of living thatthat eliminate choice in the primary areas and make it as wide and free as possible in the secondary.

8 What are the primary areas?

Sleeping, eating and working.The less choice in these areas as regards time, quantity, quality, etc., the more freedom you feel in these areas, and that includes freedom from demand, requirement and expectation, as well as rigid control, the better.

Notice that the demands made in the primary areas should be physical and most definiyely not spiritual.
The other dialogues continue in similar wise, with emphasis on focusing on the physical demands and letting the spiritual take care of itself, because it is the domain of God.  In some ways, this is analogous to the doctrine in some Churches to not "try" to be good, but to let Christ "work" on that for you.

The Dialogues were not meant for outsiders.  These were meant for people already inside.  These were the "Rule of St. Benedict" of the Process Church.

The final part of the Dialogues is called "Diversions," and attacks coincidence, but from what I read, it appears to be more along the lines of a, "huh, what a funny coincidence" line of thought rather than a more meaningful understanding of synchronicity.

4 Why is humanity fooled by Coincidence?

Because Coincidence offers himself as an escape route from the ever present threat of Recognition.

'Down this alley', he cries, and off the terrified human goes, choosing to be amazed by the antics of Coincidence rather than face the overwhelming evidence of Significance and thus fall into the waiting arms of Recognition.
Unfortunately for the Process, even before Inez, parents and lawsuits were still plaguing them, and once Inez had destroyed Xtul, the Process decided to return to London, and back to the Balfour.

They had come to Xtul as kids caught up in the occult craze of Swinging London, and they mixed that with psychotherapy and Scientology.

Now, they were a religious community with a sense of direction and doctrine, and now their duty was to draw in other lost souls.

1 comment:

  1. The term addiction has evolved over time and now represents something much different than it did even a decade ago. In the public,in Mayfair addiction counsellor addiction is often related to the ingestion of a particular substance which is considered to be harmful and negatively interferes with a person's life and health.
